About Me

I am a detail-oriented, creative professional with several years of experience and a solid understanding of grammar, punctuation, syntax, and editorial best practices. I have a proven track record of using innovative thinking and communication strategies to create effective and engaging content. My ability to manage projects and collaborate with team members also makes me a supportive leader.

Being involved in the creative community and finding ways to support others' writing goals is something that I deeply value. I am a member of Association of Writers & Writing Programs, Lighthouse Writers Workshop, and Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. I also recently volunteered as a creative writing facilitator at a shelter for the unhoused. 

Further, I have an MFA in Creative Writing from Regis University. My writing has won multiple awards at MSU Denver, and I received an Honorable Mention in a top-tier literary magazine.

I live in a suburb of Colorado with my family and our rescue cat with many missing teeth, Rose Flower.